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Pretenders voir ce film 1440p


"Flanked by bassist Pete Farndon, drummer Martin Chambers, and the criminally underrated guitarist James Honeyman-Scott, the Pretenders first two albums are nothing short of perfection. Sadly, this line-up would only last a few years with the unfortunate deaths of Farndon and Honeyman-Scott. Undaunted, Chrissie Hynde guided the Pretenders through numerous changes in line-ups and musical styles, scattering hit singles throughout the '80s and '90s. Chrissie Hynde should forever be remembered as the point where women in rock achieved true equality. She was no tarted-up doll in spandex like Debbie Harry, Pat Benatar or Ann and Nancy Wilson. No, here was a leather clad rock 'n' roller fronting an incredibly talented band playing the best music of the 1980s. Ultra-sexual, yet unapologetic, she might "never feel like a man in a man's world", but she certainly conquered the male dominated rock world on her own terms."

RYM Rough Guide for Pretenders

(as suggested by SvetlanaMonsoon )

"Parlayed punk rock ideals and attitude into radio-ready power-pop genius nuggets. Chrissie Hynde is one of the all-time great frontmen (a term I'll stick with because she puts most boys to shame)."- RustyJames

"The Chrissie Hynde Show was always good for solid albums and singles in the '80s. Amazing consistency for a band with so many different players over the years. Whoever was in the line-up, it always came out sounding like, well, the Pretenders. She was very good at balancing the tough girl/vulnerable girl songs. Sometimes a little heavy-handed with her stance and lyrics, but usually right on target."- longplayer1966

"You've gotta hand it to Chrissie Hynde. she's never let the success go to her head. She's still living in Akron and getting arrested for protesting animal cruelty. Plus, she makes some absolutely kick-ass 4-minute epics."- GrandmasterBennyBen

(JEALOUS DOGS: metalbrain, ivank79, Ellison, montezuma, SGT, CurtisLoew, psychman, theironlung, jshopa, Drummer1956, solram67, vtzZt7, bogoslav, steinib, RustyJames, longplayer1966, kyvetti, jjpozo, hraorfan, SvetlanaMonsoon, moodyzeppelin12, notesofachord, ecjam6, GrandmasterBennyBen, Mr Goodtaste, wretlinfu)

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